Aurel Buculei
aurel.buculei@gmail.comProfessional experience
I have more than 20 years’ experience in consulting, banking and IT. From an IT specialist I have moved to management, team development, people management.
I’ve reached coaching by discovering the art of management, trying to understand more deeply the people around me.
I have hundreds of hours in coaching, training, studies, supervisions, mentoring, certifications in psychological profiles with one of the best professionals in the field. If you want to work with professionals, you need to be a professional. It’s about respect. I’m a certified coach from 2015 (ACC – Associate Certified Coach from ICF).
Coaching style and philosophy
I believe in building a management style where coaching is present in a natural and constant way. I believe in excellence, in education, in development. I’m coach and IT manager and I’m passionate about them. Any big change starts with a decision, revelation and it’s followed by a plan.
Coaching lets the decision, the power, responsibility and solution to the client. This is the beauty and magic of coaching. It’s full of Aha and sensitive moments.
People compare themselves with others, climb hills of others when they have the potential to reach Everest. Through coaching I’m with my clients to discover their own Everest and then reach it. It is not the mountain that we can conquer, but ourselves. Boundaries, barriers, patterns can be observed and then they follow their own decisions
I’m a Coach: a dialog partner.
If anyone thinks he can reach Everest, he will. I will accompany him a few steps until he knows how to reach the top alone. It’s everyone’s way.